There are two ways for players to host a game lobby. Method 1 is to make a private lobby by hosting a match. Method 2 is to make a public lobby. A private lobby can only be joined by players with the appropriate game-code while a public lobby can be joined by the quick-join feature. The quick-join feature will try to find a available public game lobby. There is max limit of 2 players per lobby. On the server side all sensitive information such as IP addresses are stored in RAM and will be flushed once the lobby is destroyed or the server resets.
When players successfuly connect to a lobby they can begin to send and recieve messages from their opponent. Players will recieve a notification on their chat bar if its closed as to alert them of new unread messages. There is a limit of 40 messages that can be displayed/stored at any given moment. Older messages will be deleted and can not be accessed/viewed. After disconnecting from a lobby previous messages are saved and can be viewed from the chat box.
The rematch system allows two competing players to repeatedly play against one another without having to back out to a new lobby. This puts less stress on the server-side and improves the quality of life for the players. Both parties have to agree to rematch which is denoted by a "green check mark" from each of the respective sides. Successful rematches will immediately go into the main game loop however failed rematches will destroy the lobby and take both players to the main play screen.
Players can use this feature to change their in-game name. There is a limit of 14 characters to this feature as to not change size of buffers in networking and aesthetics when it comes to the game screen. If no new name is supplied there will be a random name given to the player from a pool of miscellaneous names.
For players that want to reset their rankings so they can have fresh slate, 'reset stats' button exists to give them that ability. *Note: This action is not reversible as it immediately saves to the players profile.*